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lotus dragonfly logo maura kipinä airinko kipinä-reiki

Hi there and welcome to my online space of Joy, Magic and Healing of Highest Love!

My full name is Maura Kipinä Lakshmi Miriam Airinko, as given to me by the spirit world of love and light.


I hope you find everything you need for your healing, expansion, ascension, following your soul path and getting inspired. Feel free to send me a message or email about anything. I'm here for you!



The carrying force in everything I do is the greatest force of all; unconditional love, along with the trust, peace and healing, alchemizing energies of it.


Here's some of my more official qualifications & basic educations.

I am beyond master level on Kundalini Reiki, and

second level healer on Sekhem-energy used widely in ancient Egypt.


Within kundalini reiki I use all of these healing methods:

basic kundalini reiki, diamond kundalini reiki, crystalline reiki, DNA-reiki,

past life trauma -reiki, location reiki, prana -activation on objects and healing tools, purple reiki, gold reiki and golden shakti reiki.


I have also created a new form of reiki myself, Called Kipinä-Reiki, named after my integral soul aspect Kipinä the cosmic faerie.

It is based on kundalini reiki, but is more powerful and goes very deep. It also has a special characteristic of surfacing new epiphanies or Aha-moments for you after the healing. In Kipinä-Reiki there are four groups of light forces that are close to me and always present in the healing. These are ancient healing wisdom from my Asian lives and ancestors, shamanic northern light -magic from Lapland, extra-terrestrial expertise from my star friends of other planets, and last but not least, the spirits of nature with their colourful healing love.


Other abilities and passions

In addition to the healing courses I have taken, the healing love of the universe, highest and purest unconditional light - love energy of the source flows through me unrestricted when I intend so, healing me, opening me and teaching me. We are all eternal students on a never ending journey of growth after all. This fact is super interesting, because it means that no matter how unbelievable and magical experiences we have already had, we can't even know what else will be possible for us in the future!


I feel like my soul's special expertise is working with the higher chakras (crown and above), activating and opening up the higher states of consciousness and understanding the workings of the universe. I can also help you in integrating new soul aspects deeper into your being, for them to re-unite and become a part of you again.

The more you bring these soul aspects of yours back home to your heart, the more you will unlock their gifts and abilities within you that have laid dormant for so long.


In addition to these, I also do very effective work in transmuting lower, even demonic energies into love and light, due to my lack of fear and loving approach to even the darkest, deepest of creatures. We all just need love in the end to remember the light in us.


Light language and transmitting light codes got activated in me very soon after starting my spiritual journey. First they came through me as hand gestures, then dancing and moving my whole body and finally as words or singing. Light language is a surprisingly strong tool in energy work, both healing old and activating new. It can even be used to create whole new light codes in this matrix of ours to make it a more beautiful, magical and peaceful place to live in.


I like to use all of the healing energies flowing through me in intuitive healings without limiting them into any specific form of reiki. This way the divine forces of the universe have the best opportunity to help us, because we don't always see everything that the universe sees. Trusting is the key, and I have absolute trust in the universe and divine plan to always work through us in the best way possible when given a chance to do so. 

My colleagues of the spirit world

energy healer sekhem healer female business owner reiki master

I work with a wide variety of light beings and creatures from all over galaxies and dimensions. It's probably not worthwhile to go into further detail about all them, but here are listed some of my colleagues who help me on my spiritual path and assist in healings: 


- Fairies (earth's fairies, crystalline fairies and cosmic fairies)

- Unicorns

- Mermaids

- Other Nature Spirits (leprechauns, elves etc.)

- Angels & Arc Angels (Arc Angel Metatron woke me up from the matrix by opening my stargate chakra, and freaked out my family who thought I went crazy overnight)

- Dragons

- Elements & Elemental Spirits (water, fire, air, earth, ether/love)

- Races from different planets and starsystems (Pleiades, Sirius, Lyra, Orion, Mintaka, Venus, Arcturus, Andromeda, Antaria etc)


In addition to these guys, I've seen some weird stuff helping me that I don't have a name for. For example a cosmic vacuum cleaner full of neon green and blue patterns came by, looked at me and sucked some useless thrash right out of my brain with it's vacuum cleaner trunk, and then without saying anything just went it's way. â€‹


The universe is pretty interesting.

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